The Importance of Developing New Mangers

Well-trained managers play a key role in the success and future of their organizations. They have a large impact on employee performance and morale. They work with unmotivated employees to boost engagement and create development plans for any employee that may be struggling. They facilitate conversations between employees and leadership by sharing ideas or point out problems or inefficiencies within an organization.

Managers are the cornerstone of employee morale, motivation, and engagement. They are the ones recognizing employees for jobs well done, guiding employees in their career paths, and building strong relationships of trust.

By offering training to new managers, they will be able to:

  • Properly communicate tasks and expectations
  • Boost employee motivation by recognizing accomplishments
  • Prioritize tasks based on time and employee abilities
  • Evaluate an employee's performance
One of the top reason employees leave a company is their direct manager. Having good managers can have a significant impact on turnover and retention because they know how to motivate and encourage employees.

Common Issues in New Manager Development

Organizations must consider certain issues in creating and implementing a management development plan.

Personal Challenges
First-time managers often experience self-doubt or have imposter syndrome. They may have doubts about their competencies and abilities at handling the new role.

If the promotion came from within, some subordinates may question a new manager's decisions and competence. This could be exacerbated if the employee also applied but was not chosen for the new manager role.

Out of a desire to relate to their new employees, managers may be scared or reserved when enforcing policy or meeting objectives. It could also go the opposite way where the new manager has a large ego and is there to prove a point or make a statement by going over the top with negative feedback.

Organizational Challenges
Some managers may resist development support. They may not want to admit any weaknesses they have and look like they were the wrong choice for the job.

Managers may believe that they lack what they need to get the job done: enough staff, enough budget, or enough of a vision from leadership. Yet, they often make do with what they have.

Creating a Management Development Strategy

It’s vital to the success of an organization to train new managers. They are shifting their priorities and are now in a position of authority with responsibility for employees. Having a training plan in place can help the transition from employee to manager be smoother and teach needed skills to new managers.

Some key parts of a management development strategy include:

  • Assessing manager’s current skill levels
  • Analyzing the number of managers and the competencies needed in the future
  • Aligning the training plans to the organization's overall goals and objectives
  • Creating training plans that fit the needs of the individuals as well as the organization
  • Providing guidance on continuous learning opportunities for managers and supervisors

Skills Needed to Succeed in New Manager Role

Regardless of whether promoted from within or hired from outside, new managers need ongoing training on a broad variety of skills to be successful.

Conflict Resolution
While conflicts are certainly challenging to mediate, they can be handled well with the right training. Managers need to know conflict styles along with different ways to mediate between parties.

Talent Retention and Coaching
It’s vital as a manager to seek out the best in employees and help them grow both personally and professionally. Helping them see what they are good at and offering constructive tips on how to get better can encourage them to stay with an organization.

There’s a lot that new managers are in charge of that they weren’t before: tracking deadlines, keeping to a budget, and just keeping their new team afloat. Productivity and morale will go down if new managers can’t communicate effectively.

Being a manager is hard – from employees leaving to project deadlines missed to having to let employees go. Without developing their resilience, managers could struggle in their new roles. Managers need a solid understanding of their industry, how their organization fits into that industry, how the organization works, and the organization’s culture, policies, and procedures.

Preview Videos from The BizLibrary Collection

Leadership Skills for New Managers: Understanding Your Team

This video shares what new managers need to do to help their team be successful: understand the roles, motivations, goals, and skill gaps of each team member.

The Rookie Manager: From Coworker to Manager

This video helps new managers transition from being a coworker to being a boss by helping set the right tone to the best way to get feedback.

The Rookie Manager: What NOT to Do as a New Manager

This video explains common mistakes of managers and how to avoid them and shares some do’s and don’ts such as being present and avoiding micromanagement.
These are just a few examples from our online employee training library - click the button to explore more leadership and management videos from The BizLibrary Collection! BROWSE LIBRARY

Measuring New Manager Success

Since employees most often quit their managers and not their jobs or their company, it’s crucial to see how managers are doing, especially if they are new. There are a few ways to do so.

They best way to gauge success is through employee surveys. These anonymous surveys allow employees to feel empowered by sharing their honest feedback of their manager and organization. These surveys show how engaged employees are with their team and their manager, if managers are implementing things correctly, and if they are growing over time.

Other factors to take into consideration are their team’s overall performance, the team turnover rate, and if team members have advanced within the organization.

How Online Training for New Managers Can Help

Online training is quickly becoming the best way to teach employees skills they need to do their jobs. Numerous studies have shown that online training is often more effective, and learners retain more information than with classroom training alone.

BizLibrary curates a large and diverse video training library with numerous courses focused on new manager training.

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of our leadership
skills topics.


Our micro video format breaks content up into smaller, more manageable chunks, making it easier for employees to learn and apply this knowledge when they need it. These online courses can be viewed on an individual basis – where an employee learns by themselves at work or at home – or as part of a group training environment or discussion.

Church of the Resurrection came to BizLibrary after seeing rapid growth in their number of employees. In 2016, they had grown to four locations in and around the Kansas City, MO area and had an online presence as well. With this growth, they knew they had a new set of challenges, especially for new managers.

They knew they needed a better way to prepare their new managers for their added responsibilities. They wanted to be able to answer any questions and give them the tools needed to succeed.  They launched their program, Rez Academy, and found that having their managers take video training when it worked for their individual schedules, at their own locations, was saving the organization and employees time and money.

They focused on their new manager challenges, and their HR team assigned lessons specific to being a new manager, helping to ease the transition from peer to manager. Managers began recommending the training to one another and sharing their takeaways. By partnering with BizLibrary, Church of the Resurrection was able to build confidence in their new managers.

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