Episode 51
Truly Exceptional Customer Service
Matt Havens
Brought to you by your hosts:

L&D Specialist

L&D Specialist
This week, we welcome another Havens brother – the legendary Matt Havens.
Matt’s here to talk about customer service, and how customer service is a serious competitive advantage and a key to client and customer retention.
We live in a digital age, where exceptional customer service can go viral – and bad customer service can too!
To remain in favor with your customers, it’s important to do a few things – be authentic, honest, and human.
Being authentic in customer interactions is about acting with integrity. There will be times where your customer service misses the mark – perhaps a delivery will be late, or perhaps your software was down for an extended period of time.
When these moments occur, an authentic, honest conversation needs to occur. Most companies and people you do business with will be understanding.
However, part of delivering exceptional customer service is doing everything you can to make sure that mistakes are avoided as much as possible.
By working to deliver on your promises, and hosting honest, authentic conversations when you cannot, you’re doing a lot to deliver great customer service.
We asked Matt about some of the challenges that B2B companies face when trying to win loyalty and brand love.
Matt admits that this is certainly more challenging, but business is about relationships – be personal, and understand that even when you speak to a representative of a company, they’re still a person – so be human!
Customer service is crucial to your business success – if you nail customer service, you’ll get repeat business, and we know that it’s easier to sell to existing customers than it is to find new ones!
Customer service is about teaching respect and acting with integrity – with the right approach, and commitment, your organization can gain a serious competitive advantage!
When you’re finished listening, be sure to download this week’s related resource, and thanks for listening to The BizLibrary Podcast!